Remember, buying a home is a process of elimination so we need to form filters that lead you to the right home. But also make sure that we do not add too many filters, or impossible/impractical filters that cause you to eliminate everything. Sit down with your family and workout why you are moving to a new place.
What problem are you solving that you faced in the previous one? What are the non negotiable points that must be in the next home. Or that shouldn’t be in the next home at all. ALSO WHAT ARE THE THINGS NEEDED AROUND THE HOME? Like do you need a park for kids to play that is visible from the balcony? Or is a metro station nearby a must so your staff can reach easily everyday? And then what are those things that would be so good to have, but maybe are not a must.
What would be a big NO in or around the house? The point of this exercise is to give clarity to yourself about what you and your family needs. Also it brings the whole family on to the same page. Writing it down is the best and most important thing you can do in the entire process.Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online
How to identify various factors involved in either a direct or an indirect manner that play a crucial role when it comes to choosing real estate.
How to form and add certain filters or levels of consideration that will eventually lead to the right home.
How to have a general idea of the real estate market at a given time and location.
How to understand your own requirements regarding the neighborhood and the available facilities that you are wanting.
How to plan a budget while maintaining a mutual approach to all the other important aspects related to the real estate market.
How to select a person or an organization who/which possesses a prominent set of knowledge and has well-established expertise regarding networking and deal establishment and execution in the real estate market.
How to keep a note of your specific requirements regarding the property of choice and how to look for it simulataneously.