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The culture of full cheques in real estate in India in 2022-2023

About Indian property trade and taxes Indian property trade is well known for its massive involvement of black money and the market practices of paying a little bit white and just dumping the rest of the cash and paying minimum taxes and hiding your black money forever. Right? You will be amazed to know how …

The culture of full cheques in real estate in India in 2022-2023 Read More »

What will bring the next wave of Real Estate investments in 2022

During the pandemic, interest rates were brought down and the government poured money into the economy by way of various projects that fueled an economic boom pretty fast. Smarter people bought real estate when the government announced these steps and didn’t wait for anything to start investing. Everything seemed grim, and they just went ahead …

What will bring the next wave of Real Estate investments in 2022 Read More »